No. |
Title |
Length |
1. |
Resonancia Láser (Laser Resonance) |
0:20 |
2. |
Disparo Laser (Laser Shots) |
0:46 |
3. |
Tensión, Misterio |
0:29 |
4. |
Grito de Guerra (War Scream) |
0:12 |
5. |
Fuga y Caida (Escape and Fall) |
0:23 |
6. |
Risa Fantasmal (Ghostly Laugh) |
0:22 |
7. |
Corriendo (Running) |
0:15 |
8. |
Tambores Salto Caidas (Drums Jump Fall Down) |
0:42 |
9. |
Lanzamiento Choque Caida (Launch Shock Tumble) |
0:34 |
10. |
Redoble Largo (Long Drumroll) |
0:42 |
11. |
Perro Marciano (Martian Dog) |
0:07 |
12. |
Vertido Ácido y Llamarada (Acid Spillage and Blaze) |
0:22 |
13. |
Chica Ardiendo (Girl Burning) |
0:22 |
14. |
Apertura Espita y Encendido de Lanzallamas (Opening Spill and Ignition of Flame-Thrower) |
0:28 |
15. |
Histerismo (Hysterics) |
0:11 |
16. |
Apertura de Puerta y Alarido (Opening Door and Scream) |
0:10 |
17. |
Puñetazos Cómic (Comic Punches) |
0:07 |
18. |
Monstruo Tras Puerta y Grito (Monster Behind Door and Shout) |
0:11 |
19. |
Disparos Diversos (Various Shots) |
0:33 |
20. |
Criatura Extraña Llamando a Su Madre (Strange Creature Calling Her Mother) |
0:20 |
21. |
Risa de Ogro (Ogre's Laugh) |
0:14 |
22. |
Disparo Rayos (Ray Shots) |
0:12 |
23. |
Disparo Fusil Asalto (Shooting an Assault Gun) |
0:16 |
24. |
Vaciado de Revolver y Disparo Silencioso (Emptying a Revolver and Silent Shot) |
0:09 |
25. |
Pistola Láser Con Silenciador (Laser Pistol with Silencer) |
0:15 |
26. |
Disparos Rayos (Rays Shots) |
0:17 |
27. |
Disparo Láser Continuo (Continuous Laser Shot) |
0:19 |
28. |
Golpe Con Rebote (Blow and Bounce Off) |
0:11 |
29. |
Rayo Cósmico (Cosmic Ray) |
0:24 |
30. |
Llamando a los del 7º de Caballería (Calling 7th of Cavalry) |
0:31 |
31. |
Huyendo de Puntillas (Fleeing on Tiptoe) |
0:14 |
32. |
Timbre Puerta (Door Bell) |
0:14 |
33. |
Grito Hombre Mosqueado (Annoyed Man Shout) |
0:10 |
34. |
Cargando y Disparando Rifle (Loading and Shooting Rifle) |
0:26 |
35. |
Disparos Cósmicos (Cosmic Shots) |
0:27 |
36. |
Disparo Mortero (Mortar Shot) |
0:21 |
37. |
Lanzamiento y Explosión Misil (Launch and Explosion Missile) |
0:46 |
38. |
Espada Láser Encendido (Laser Sword Ignition) |
0:23 |
39. |
Rotura Cristales (Broken Crystals) |
0:11 |
40. |
Ogro Mosqueado (Annoyed Ogre) |
0:10 |
41. |
Samurai Cortando Con Katana |
0:07 |
42. |
Golpes Karate (Knocking) |
0:06 |
43. |
Llorando (Crying) |
0:15 |
44. |
Muelle Comic (Wharf Comics) |
0:06 |
45. |
Disparos Comic (Comic Shots) |
0:08 |
46. |
Ruido Comic (Comic Noise) |
0:08 |
47. |
Ruidos Comic (Comic Noises) |
0:08 |
48. |
Disparos Resonantes (Resonant Shots) |
0:06 |
49. |
Catástrofe Espacial (Spatial Catastrophe) |
0:44 |
50. |
Grito y Latigazo (Shout and Lash) |
0:10 |
51. |
Encendido Turbina de Gas (Ignited Gas Turbine) |
0:11 |
52. |
Grito Marciano (Martian Shout) |
0:23 |
53. |
Pánico Grito Dolor (Panic Shout Pain) |
0:18 |
54. |
Bosque Nocturno (Night Forest) |
0:40 |
55. |
Sorpresa Sonido de Dibujos Animados (Surprise Sound of Cartoon) |
0:14 |
56. |
Teléfono (phone) |
0:42 |
57. |
Tormenta Rayos y Truenos Lejanos (Storm Lightning and Distant Thunders) |
0:31 |
58. |
La Queman y Grito Mujer (They Burn Her and She Shout) |
0:16 |
59. |
Tambores Salto Mortal Circo (Drums Mortal Jump Circus) |
0:58 |
60. |
Risa Ultratumba Cómica (Ultrafalls Down Laugh Comedian) |
0:35 |
61. |
Destrozos (Destructions) |
1:21 |
62. |
Lanzamiento Hacha Se Clava y Alarido (Launch Axe It Goes in and Scream) |
0:07 |
63. |
Gritos de Dolor Alejándose (Shouts of Pain Moving Away) |
0:47 |
64. |
Varios Golpes 1 |
0:25 |
65. |
Varios Golpes 2 |
0:22 |
66. |
Varios Golpes 3 |
0:20 |
67. |
Encendido y Lanzamiento (Ignition and Launch) |
0:35 |
68. |
Sonidos Resonantes (Resonant Sounds) |
0:27 |
69. |
Marcianito Karateka (Martian Karate Expert) |
0:25 |
70. |
Pelota Bota (Ball Bounces) |
1:02 |
71. |
Viento (Wind) |
0:07 |