No. |
Title |
Length |
1. |
Estalingrado Asedio (Stalingrad Besiege) |
6:22 |
2. |
Aviones Sobrevolando Campo Batalla (Planes Overflying the Battle Field) |
3:17 |
3. |
Subfusil de Asalto (Assault Automatic Rifle) |
1:16 |
4. |
Revolver Colt 45 |
0:42 |
5. |
Aeródromo en Londres I I Guerra Mundial (Aerodrome in London II World War) |
2:29 |
6. |
Avión Despegando Japonés (Japanese Plane Taking Off) |
2:48 |
7. |
Afilando Espada (Sharpening a Sword) |
0:30 |
8. |
Espada Cortando (Sword Cutting) |
0:12 |
9. |
Afilando Ambas Caras Espada (Sharpening Both Faces of a Sword) |
0:08 |
10. |
Ak-47 Fusil de Asalto (Assault Rifle) |
0:46 |
11. |
Mp15 Metralleta (Submachine Gun) |
0:44 |
12. |
M-4 Fusil Repetidor (Gun/Repeater) |
0:45 |
13. |
Tel Metralleta (Machine Gun) |
0:31 |
14. |
Izi Metralleta (Gun Machine) |
0:29 |
15. |
Bazoka |
0:26 |
16. |
Artillería Antiaérea (Anti-Aircraft Artillery) |
0:51 |
17. |
Pánico Bombardeo (Panic Bombing) |
1:14 |
18. |
Catástrofe (Catastrophe) |
0:53 |
19. |
Corte al Aire Espada (Cut to the Air Sword) |
0:38 |
20. |
Cuchillo (Knife) |
0:13 |
21. |
Diversas Armas Láser Rayos, Etc (Various Weapons Laser Rays) |
0:52 |
22. |
Cortes de Espada (Cuts with a Sword) |
0:07 |
23. |
Batalla Aérea Asedio (Air Battle Besiege) |
2:58 |
24. |
I I Guerra Mundial Berlín (I I World War Berlin) |
2:15 |
25. |
Coche en Fuga por Caminos y Caída al Río (Car in Escape for Ways and Fall Down to the River) |
1:11 |
26. |
Efectos de Disparos Explosión Lásers (Effects of Shots Explosion Laser) |
0:28 |
27. |
Encendido Lanzallamas y Uso (Ignition Flamethrower and Use) |
0:25 |
28. |
Escopeta Combate (Shotgun Fights) |
0:58 |
29. |
Escopeta Recortada (Fill Paper Shotgun) |
0:58 |
30. |
Escopeta (Shotgun) |
0:42 |
31. |
Golpeo Espada (Strike with Sword) |
0:09 |
32. |
Espada Cortando (Sword Cut) |
0:14 |
33. |
Espada Vieja Foley (Old Sword) |
0:13 |
34. |
Fuego Cruzado Misiles (Crossfire Missiles) |
0:30 |
35. |
Fuego de Trincheras (Fire of Trenches) |
0:28 |
36. |
Golpes de Ataque Espada (Sword Attack Strikes) |
0:07 |
37. |
Choque Espada (Shock Sword) |
0:13 |
38. |
Golpe Defensivo Espada (Defensive Blow Sword) |
0:41 |
39. |
Guerra Urbana (Urban War) |
0:44 |
40. |
Guerra Urbana I I (Urban War I I) |
0:44 |
41. |
Helicóptero Tiger |
1:14 |
42. |
Hundir y Sacar Espada (To Sink and to Extract Sword) |
0:10 |
43. |
Kalasnikov |
0:34 |
44. |
Lanzallamas (Flamethrower) |
0:17 |
45. |
Lanzallamas Sobre Mujer (Flame-Thrower on Woman) |
0:06 |
46. |
Lanza Rayos Láser (Thrower Lasers) |
0:18 |
47. |
Láser Resonancia (Resonance Laser) |
0:07 |
48. |
Lanzamiento Granadas Tubulares (Launch Tubular Grenades) |
0:17 |
49. |
Lucha de Espadas (Sword Fight) |
0:30 |
50. |
Rifle |
0:43 |
51. |
Rifle Mira Telescópica (Rifle Telescopic Gun-Sight) |
0:28 |
52. |
Séptimo Caballería (Seventh Cavalry) |
0:28 |
53. |
Silencioso Rifle |
0:21 |