No. |
Title |
Length |
1. |
Opening Song/our Highest Purpose |
1:42 |
2. |
Correct Motivation/elementary of Religion |
4:24 |
3. |
Three Mantras/enthusiasm/skepticism |
3:06 |
4. |
What Is Meditation? |
1:55 |
5. |
Inherent Goodness/where Does Happiness Go? |
1:23 |
6. |
The First Cognitive Therapist/the Four Noble Truths |
1:38 |
7. |
Truth About Reality/identifying the Ego |
1:18 |
8. |
Hawthorne and Emmerson |
1:13 |
9. |
What Is Happiness/science and Happiness |
1:06 |
10. |
Drugs to Get Happy? |
0:55 |
11. |
Two Kinds of Happiness |
2:53 |
12. |
Keeping It Real/thought Word and Deed |
1:45 |
13. |
Voluntary Choice/fear Based Thinking |
2:08 |
14. |
Love Based Thinking/heroes Among Us |
1:53 |
15. |
Attitudes and Personal Responsibility |
1:22 |
16. |
Law of Impermanence/arising and Subsiding |
1:45 |
17. |
The Beauty of Death |
3:16 |
18. |
Measuring True Success/proper Perspective |
1:32 |
19. |
Happiness Is Not External |
0:38 |
20. |
What Happiness Is Not/myth 1-mind V.s Body |
1:35 |
21. |
Myth 2-love/false Expectations/love V.s Attachment |
7:27 |
22. |
Myth 3-money/world Happiness/consumerism/shopping and Stuff |
5:53 |
23. |
Materialism/want and Need/generosity |
1:11 |
24. |
Detachment Is Connection |
0:51 |
25. |
Choosing to Be Positive/handling Anger/compassion |
1:38 |
26. |
The Nine Keys to Happiness |
0:32 |
27. |
Key 1-live In the Moment |
1:36 |
28. |
Key 2-practice Meditation |
1:39 |
29. |
Key 3-follow Your Bodies Wisdom |
1:02 |
30. |
Key 4-relenquish the Need for External Approval |
1:36 |
31. |
Key 5-go With the Flow |
1:14 |
32. |
Key 6-know Yourself |
1:02 |
33. |
Key 7-remove Toxins from Your Life |
2:38 |
34. |
Key 8-literally Change the Way You Think |
1:23 |
35. |
Key 9-practice Mindfulness |
1:27 |
36. |
Closing Aspiration and Personal Vow to Change |
1:00 |
37. |
Happiness Poem/master Yourself By Shakyamuni Buddha |
1:44 |