No. |
Title |
Length |
1. |
清潔歌 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
0:53 |
2. |
唐老伯有個小農場 (featuring The IVy) |
0:55 |
3. |
我愛陽光 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
0:54 |
4. |
洗白白 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:14 |
5. |
音樂小荳芽 (featuring Little Friends Children Choir) |
1:26 |
6. |
媽媽超人 (featuring Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
3:16 |
7. |
我是一個大蘋果 (featuring The IVy) |
1:04 |
8. |
坐火車 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:38 |
9. |
月光光.照地堂 (featuring Cream) |
2:36 |
10. |
讓我閃耀 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:41 |
11. |
點蟲蟲 (featuring Cream) |
3:53 |
12. |
跳飛機 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
0:48 |
13. |
雪姑七友 (featuring Cream) |
3:48 |
14. |
世界是個大懷抱 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:23 |
15. |
努力、加油 (featuring Purple Lee) |
2:52 |
16. |
狼來了 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:16 |
17. |
鴿子郵差 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:08 |
18. |
大笨象會跳舞 (featuring Cream) |
2:31 |
19. |
晴天.雨天.孩子天 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:51 |
20. |
小太陽 (電影《五個小孩的校長》歌曲) (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:52 |
21. |
小飛俠 Peter Pan (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:18 |
22. |
朋友 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
4:43 |
23. |
笑一笑 (featuring Purple Lee, WSM Children Choir) |
2:32 |
24. |
跳跳笑笑 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:13 |
25. |
快樂氹氹轉 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:39 |
26. |
暖暖一家親 (featuring Anderson Junior, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
2:09 |
27. |
當我們同在一起 (featuring The IVy) |
1:01 |
28. |
兩隻鳥 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
0:51 |
29. |
泥娃娃 (國) (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:24 |
30. |
友誼萬歲 (電影《五個小孩的校長》歌曲) (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:59 |
31. |
生日快樂 (featuring Cream) |
2:47 |
32. |
噚晚隻狗仔叫 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:18 |
33. |
Tell Me Why (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
4:04 |
34. |
花狗 Bingo (featuring The IVy) |
0:53 |
35. |
公雞叫 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:17 |
36. |
Do Re Me (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:07 |
37. |
媽媽好 (featuring Cream) |
2:54 |
38. |
小小姑娘 (featuring Little Friends Children Choir) |
2:05 |
39. |
小星星 (featuring Little Friends Children Choir) |
2:25 |
40. |
原野的樂章 (featuring Purple Lee, WSM Children Choir) |
2:43 |
41. |
叮噹 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:02 |
42. |
鼓勵鼓勵 (featuring Tin Choi Ga Juk Choir, Tin Choi Chai) |
2:21 |
43. |
可愛的家庭 (featuring Cream) |
1:54 |
44. |
IQ 博士 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:09 |
45. |
喵喵上學去 (featuring Anderson Junior, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
2:52 |
46. |
上學好快樂 (featuring Cream) |
3:38 |
47. |
運動好處多 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:32 |
48. |
個個都錫我 (featuring Anderson Junior, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
2:28 |
49. |
愉快的分享 (featuring Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
2:41 |
50. |
媽咪Bolo手記 (featuring Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
2:59 |
51. |
歡笑樂園開心地 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:59 |
52. |
動物怎樣叫 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:24 |
53. |
道理真巧妙 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:09 |
54. |
打開蚊帳 (featuring The IVy) |
0:57 |
55. |
氹氹轉.菊花園 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:41 |
56. |
排排坐 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:35 |
57. |
叢林望過去 (featuring Little Friends Children Choir) |
1:59 |
58. |
粒粒有勤勞 (featuring Cream) |
2:39 |
59. |
同心合力 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:35 |
60. |
雞公仔尾彎彎 (featuring Cream) |
4:14 |
61. |
別做寄生蟲 (featuring The IVy) |
1:03 |
62. |
飄零燕 (featuring JoJo) |
2:07 |
63. |
大食懶 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:26 |
64. |
小寶寶 (featuring Little Friends Children Choir) |
1:56 |
65. |
搖到外婆橋 (featuring Cream) |
3:37 |
66. |
沙煲兄弟 (featuring He Quo Xi, Yu Lun Children Choir) |
2:05 |
67. |
理想不改變 (featuring Cream) |
2:55 |
68. |
醫者父母心 (featuring Dr. Chan Yee Shing, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
3:30 |
69. |
肥貓與我 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:29 |
70. |
何家小雞何家猜 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:20 |
71. |
笑笑爸B錫晒你 (featuring Purple Lee, Siu Leung) |
3:39 |
72. |
刷牙歌 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
0:43 |
73. |
青蛙媽媽 (featuring The IVy) |
1:22 |
74. |
小朋友時間 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:21 |
75. |
陽光下的孩子 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:54 |
76. |
家燕媽媽 (featuring Mother HK Choir, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
2:35 |
77. |
醜小鴨 (國) (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:03 |
78. |
三隻小豬 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:38 |
79. |
不做垃圾蟲 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:20 |
80. |
在森林和原野 (featuring The IVy) |
1:37 |
81. |
香蕉船 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:35 |
82. |
生日會 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:11 |
83. |
我都做得到 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:34 |
84. |
睇牛仔 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:25 |
85. |
一支竹仔 (featuring Cream) |
2:21 |
86. |
眼睛和耳朵 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:01 |
87. |
乖仔學堂 (featuring Anderson Junior, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
3:18 |
88. |
1 2 3再見 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:23 |
89. |
小樹苗 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:06 |
90. |
小蜜蜂 (featuring The IVy) |
1:13 |
91. |
大西瓜 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
3:32 |
92. |
親親爹D (featuring He Quo Xi, Ho Chun No) |
2:37 |
93. |
世界真細小 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
5:32 |
94. |
白雪公主與小矮人 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
1:48 |
95. |
完全明白了 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
2:14 |
96. |
弟子規 (featuring MC Jin, Mother HK Choir, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
3:57 |
97. |
儲蓄歌 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
0:58 |
98. |
有隻雀仔跌落水 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
0:33 |
99. |
小時候 (featuring Cream) |
2:56 |
100. |
吹彩燭 (featuring WSM Children Choir) |
4:01 |
101. |
我都可以 (featuring Anderson Junior, Nancy Sit Ka Yin) |
1:58 |