Genre: Christian Rock
Christian Rock is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: So Far...The Best Of Susan Ashton
Artist: Susan Ashton
Title: Instrumental Praise Series: Great Is The Lord
Artist: Studio Musicians
Genre: Gospel, Christian Rock, Christian Country Music, Instrumental
Title: Gaither Vocal Band - Reunion Volume One
Artist: Gaither Vocal Band
Title: Women Of Homecoming (Vol. Two/Live)
Artist: Various Artists
Title: Women Of Homecoming (Vol. One/Live)
Artist: Various Artists
Title: Whispering Hope
Artist: Bill, Gloria Gaither...
Title: Gaither Homecoming Classics Vol.2
Artist: Bill, Gloria Gaither...
Genre: Gospel, Christian Rock, Christian Country Music
Title: Mountain Homecoming - Volume 1
Artist: Bill, Gloria Gaither...