Genre: Electroclash
Title: Animal: 15th Anniversary Edition (CD1)
Artist: Autokratz
Genre: Electro, Electroclash, Synth Pop
Title: Eins Zwei Polizei (Single)
Artist: Dj Quba Sandra K
Genre: Electropop, Electroclash, Dancefloor, Club/Dance, Dance Pop
Title: Stop The World (A Song For Pretty In Pink)
Artist: Oblique, Carlos Bayona
Genre: Electroclash, New Wave, Synth Pop, Retro
Title: Folyamistenno (Single)
Artist: Káltes Ekwa / Kaltes Ekwa
Genre: Coldwave, Electropop, Electroclash, New Wave, Post Punk, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: Player Non Player
Artist: Agar-Agar
Genre: Trip Hop, Electropop, Electroclash, Indie Pop, Pop, Synth Pop
Title: The Band Plays On
Artist: The Slants
Title: Problemzone Mensch
Artist: Salo
Genre: Electroclash, Punk, Pop Punk, Post Punk, Dance Punk, Pop