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Genre: Techno


Techno is a genre of electronic music. It has been created in middle 80s in England. Today anyone who has a gift and musical software knowledge can become a techno producer.

Title: Eteis

Artist: Inrra

Genre: Techno

Title: Silencio Esperado

Artist: Lllit

Genre: Techno, Techno-DNB

Title: Harvest

Artist: Veruah

Genre: Techno

Title: City To City

Artist: Ivan Double G

Genre: Techno

Title: Azul

Artist: Jens Mueller

Genre: Techno

Title: Massive Attack

Artist: Digitalchord

Genre: Techno

Title: Infra & Techno

Artist: Infrarave

Genre: Techno

Title: Altair

Artist: Milos Vujovic

Genre: Techno

Title: Rising Impact

Artist: Romain Richard

Genre: Techno

Title: Samba Sessions

Artist: Coyu

Genre: Techno

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