Genre: Avant Garde Jazz
Avant Garde Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Overjoyed In This World
Artist: Space Camp
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Punk, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental, Hardcore
Title: Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera
Artist: Kristian Cole
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Progressive Metal
Title: Kreg's Adventure
Artist: Nouriture
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Progressive Rock, Metal, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental Metal
Title: Dave & Gene Duo
Artist: Dave Taylor, Gene Pritsker
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal
Title: Almost Touching
Artist: An Laurence
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental, Classical
Title: Hermit Music
Artist: Max Johnson
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental
Title: Meeting Of The Minds
Artist: Billy Martin, John Medeski, Ari Joshua, Jason Fraticelli
Genre: Ambient, Electronica, Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Rock, Punk Rock, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental
Title: New Wave
Artist: Pierre Vervloesem
Genre: Electronica, Avant Garde Jazz, Rock, New Wave, Punk Rock, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental
Title: From Union Pool (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Susan Alcorn, Patrick Holmes, Ryan Sawyer
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz
Title: Nivraym Revisited
Artist: Koenjihyakkei, Revisited Koenjihyakkei
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Progressive Rock, Avant Garde Metal, Progressive Metal