Genre: Avant Garde Jazz
Avant Garde Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: The 70s Glam-Pop Album
Genre: Soul, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, World Music, Pop Rock, Folk
Title: New History Warfare: Vol. 1
Artist: Colin Stetson
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Free Improvisation
Title: Connecting Spirits
Artist: Marilyn Crispell, Joseph Jarman
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Free Jazz
Title: Mercy
Artist: Baroness, The Cocky Bitches
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Psychedelic Rock, Punk, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental
Title: Random Misfires
Artist: Jeff Berlin
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Jazz Rock, Avant Garde Metal
Title: Live From Yokohama
Artist: Shinpei Ruike, RS5pb
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Jazz Rock, Avant Garde Metal, Fusion
Title: Ars Transmutatoria Bleu
Artist: Michel Lambert
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal
Title: Free Flight
Artist: Marilyn Crispell, Sebastian Gramss, Erwin Ditzner
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Free Jazz, Avant Garde Metal