Genre: Avant Garde Jazz
Avant Garde Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Ghost Stories
Artist: Ned Rothenberg
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Alternative, Classical
Title: Ryu Nashi/No School - New Music For Shakuchi
Artist: Ned Rothenberg
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Alternative, Classical
Title: Alvin Curran: A Naar Mit a Car in America
Artist: Alvin Curran
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal
Title: Live In Geneve and Luzern
Artist: Luc Houtkamp
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal
Title: Concert at Levontin 7 - Single
Artist: Slava Ganelin
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Exercise In Swing
Artist: Luc Houtkamp
Genre: Electronica, Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal
Title: The Blue Rims (feat. Bobby Bradford, Clyde Reed & Dave Storrs)
Artist: Rich Halley
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz