Celtic is a traditional/folk music that refers to a national culture and represents national traditions. Particular folk songs celebrate birthdays, weddings, funerals and many other events.
Title: Silver Apples of the Moon
Artist: Irish Chamber Orchestra
Genre: World Music, Celtic
Title: The Gabriel Hounds
Artist: Heather Dale
Genre: World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist, Celtic
Title: This Endris Night
Title: Fairytale
Title: My Celtic Heart
Genre: World Music, Pop, Celtic
Title: The Tranquil Harp
Artist: Paul Baker
Genre: New Age, Rock, World Music, Celtic
Title: Holl a-gevret ! Tous ensemble
Artist: Denez Prigent
Title: Me 'Zalc'H Ennon Ur Fulenn Aour
Title: Irvi
Title: Breathe
Artist: Mike Peters
Genre: Rock, World Music, Alternative, Celtic
Title: Dochás / Dochas
Artist: Crossing
Title: Shadow and Light
Artist: John Doyle