Christian Rock is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Light of the World - Single
Artist: HisWitness
Genre: Gospel, Christian Rock
Title: You Are - Single
Artist: Jamison JT Taylor
Title: Sing - Single
Artist: JD. ST
Title: You Are the God - Single
Title: You'd Be Surprised - EP
Artist: Jon, Jess Estep
Title: Amor Verdadero
Artist: Koosva
Title: Made It Through - Single
Artist: Lonesome Leevon
Title: I Choose You - Single
Artist: Renee Nutt
Title: You Called My Name - Single
Artist: Ron Gesch
Title: Rushing Wind
Artist: Rushing Wind
Title: Let Go
Artist: Ventis
Title: Nada Que Perder
Artist: Skapaltata