Genre: Contemporary Jazz
Contemporary Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Repetitions (Letters to Krzysztof Komeda) [Live at Jazz Club Hipnoza, Katowice]
Artist: EABS
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Mingus Without Bass, Monk Without Hat
Artist: First Gig Never Happened
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: The Flowing (feat. Gabriele Evangelista & Bernardo Guerra)
Artist: Francesco Scaramuzzino
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Kurt Weill Project: Le Voyant
Artist: François Chesnel / Francois Chesnel
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Ithaca - EP
Artist: Guillem Callejón / Guillem Callejon, Xavi Molero
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Three Kids Music
Artist: Gurrisonic Orchestra, Jose Gurria
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Postcard Collection
Artist: The Composers, Berlin Orchestra, Hazel Leach
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Walkin' Around
Artist: Hip Bop Constellation
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Instrumental, Instrumental