Genre: Contemporary Jazz
Contemporary Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Bad Habit - Single
Artist: Kristen Maxfield
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Indie Pop, Alternative
Title: Spirit Of Nadir
Artist: MARCIN, Bartłomiej Oleś Duo / Bartlomiej Oles Duo
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Días Que Fueron / Dias Que Fueron
Artist: Marcelo Gueblón / Marcelo Gueblon
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Overnight Tales
Artist: Mateusz Gawęda Trio / Mateusz Gaweda Trio
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Nadir - Single
Artist: MARCIN, Bartłomiej Oleś Duo / Bartlomiej Oles Duo
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz