Genre: Contemporary Jazz
Contemporary Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Magnolia
Artist: Patrick Sommer, Franz Hellmüller / Franz Hellmuller, Martin Perret, Hellmüller Trio / Hellmuller Trio
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Flying Curly
Artist: Gregor Fticar, Eva Kess, Peter Kronreif, Felipe Duarte, Eva Kess Group
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Mr. Inevitable
Artist: Johnathan Blake, Chris Tordini, Ben Sutin, Ben Rosenblum, Ben Sutin Quartet
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Path
Artist: Ares Tavolazzi, Roberto Gatto, Francesco Maccianti, Francesco Maccianti Trio
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Ela
Artist: Florian Trübsbach / Florian Trubsbach, Jakob Jäger / Jakob Jager, Leo Ebert, Nico Weber, Maxim Burtsev, Nico Weber Kwartett
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz