Genre: Contemporary Jazz
Contemporary Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Joseph de Dominicis Songs: Volume One
Artist: Gloria Cooper
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Vocal Jazz
Title: Plastic Temptation
Artist: Uri Caine Bedrock
Genre: Hip Hop/R&B, Soul, Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Composer's Big Fun
Artist: Composer's Big Fun
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Søren Lee Trio / Soren Lee Trio
Artist: Søren Lee Trio / Soren Lee Trio
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
Title: Nocturnes (Piano solo, improvisations)
Artist: Olivier Delplanque & Ode Project
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz