Genre: Country Rock
Country Rock genre is a part of Country Music and it has been rooted from American popular music that entertains hundreds of thousands people mostly in US region.
Title: Deep Ear (CD1)
Genre: Rock, Blues Rock, Folk Rock, Country Rock
Title: Deep Ear (CD2)
Genre: Rock, Blues Rock, Folk Rock, Country Rock, Pop
Title: Peaches (CD1)
Genre: Rock, Blues Rock, Country Rock, Pop
Title: Peaches (CD2)
Genre: Rock, Blues Rock, Country Rock
Title: Hand Sown... Home Grown / Silk Purse / Linda Ronstadt (CD1)
Artist: Linda Ronstadt
Genre: Rock, Country, Country Rock
Title: Hand Sown... Home Grown / Silk Purse / Linda Ronstadt (CD2)
Artist: Linda Ronstadt
Genre: Rock, Country, Country Rock
Title: Burbank's Finest - 100% All Meat (CD1)
Genre: Soul, Rock, Country Rock
Title: Burbank's Finest - 100% All Meat (CD2)
Genre: Soul, Rock, Country Rock, Pop