Dance Pop genre is a part of Pop music and it has many loyal followers from all over the world. Take a tour for yourself and find out if it suits you.
Title: Oare Te-Am Pierdut
Artist: Liviu Pustiul
Genre: Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Dragoste Inima Mea
Artist: Cristi Dules
Title: Am Un Baietel De Aur
Artist: Nicolae Guţă / Nicolae Guta
Title: Mai Bine Singur
Artist: Petrica Cercel
Title: Am Sange De Vagabont
Title: Sunt Om Fericit
Artist: Liviu Guta
Title: Fetele Vor Doar Bani
Artist: Florin Salam
Title: No Doubt EP (Original Mix)
Artist: Morison
Title: Hari Bersamamu
Artist: The Singgih
Title: Fxceless Lxdy
Title: Top Trumped
Artist: Pandulas
Title: Future Funk
Artist: Moiety
Genre: Dancefloor, Nu Disco, Dance Pop