Dance Pop genre is a part of Pop music and it has many loyal followers from all over the world. Take a tour for yourself and find out if it suits you.
Title: Lonely Energy
Artist: The Fan Tree
Genre: Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Fighting Devotions
Artist: The Slippery Brothers
Title: Bank Flying
Artist: Decoy
Title: Pirate Cling
Artist: Divorced Car
Title: Repelling Music
Artist: Fifty Second Venus
Title: The Last Love
Artist: Saving Harris
Title: Angel House
Artist: This Incense
Title: Operating Papers
Artist: Gizmoed
Title: Shadows Of Death
Artist: Dodged Bullets
Title: Government Walls
Artist: Banana Map
Title: The Bear Altar
Artist: Epilogue Of Revolution
Title: Bashing Soul
Artist: Stereo Enemies