Genre: Dark Electro
Title: Die Seele Eines Dichters
Artist: Tumor
Genre: Electronica, Tech House, Industrial, Dark Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, EBM
Title: Gothic Music Orgy. Vol. 1
Genre: Industrial, Dark Electro, Darkwave, Gothic Rock, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: Gothic Music Orgy. Vol. 2
Genre: Industrial, Dark Electro, Darkwave, Gothic Rock, EBM
Title: Electroshock Vol. 08
Genre: Electro, Electropop, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Babylon Killed The Music
Artist: Reaper
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro, Alternative, EBM
Title: 1999 And The Aftershow
Artist: Army Of The Universe
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro