Genre: Dark Electro
Title: A Través De Mundos Que Arden (CD1) / A Traves De Mundos Que Arden (CD1)
Artist: Hocico
Genre: Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Holy And Babylon
Artist: In Strict Confidence
Genre: Electronica, Trance, Industrial, Dark Electro, Darkwave, EBM
Title: Contaminacion Harmonica
Artist: Dulce Liquido
Genre: Electronica, Power Noise, Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Porcelain Doll
Artist: Freakangel
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro, Rock, Punk Rock, Metal, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, EBM
Title: Face The Beat: Session 2 (CD1)
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Face The Beat: Session 2 (CD2)
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Investigabiles Viae Dementiae
Artist: Van Roy Asylum
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM