Genre: Dub
Dub is a genre of Reggae music and that is why it refers to the same root. The beginning of the original genre was in Caribbean but today we can hear it everywhere.
Title: Montego Bay (The Jamacian Persuasion)
Artist: The Israelites
Genre: Electronica, Jazz, Reggae, Dub, Bop
Title: Reggae Jazz
Title: Tommy Mccook Meets King Tubby & The Aggrovators
Artist: Tommy McCook
Genre: Reggae, Roots Reggae, Dub
Title: The Version Master Presents: Creation of Dub
Artist: Bunny Lee
Genre: Reggae, Roots Reggae, Dub, World Music
Title: King Tubby Selected Hits (Vol. 1)
Artist: King Tubby
Genre: Reggae, Roots Reggae, Dub, World Music