Title: Yo Quiero Ser
Artist: Samuel Sanchez
Genre: Gospel, Latin, Alternative, Easy Listening
Title: Dancing the Windstreams
Artist: Robyn Francis
Genre: Pop, Easy Listening
Title: Romance
Artist: Rodney Clarke
Title: The Retreat
Artist: Raymond Black
Title: Lovetrust
Artist: Raji
Genre: Pop, Classical, Easy Listening
Title: Fresh
Title: Antha Soham
Artist: Psychuck
Genre: World Music, Pop, Easy Listening
Title: Givers & Takers
Artist: Philip Watson
Genre: Rock, Pop, Easy Listening
Title: The Music Painter
Genre: Country, Pop, Easy Listening
Title: So What's New?
Artist: Phil Kelsall
Title: Come Dancing At the Tower Ballroom
Title: Beginnings
Artist: Pete Maw