Genre: Electro
Title: This Momentary
Artist: Delphic
Genre: Electronica, House, Electro, Rock, Indie Rock, Pop, Synth Pop
Title: Phantogram
Artist: Phantogram
Genre: Downtempo, Trip Hop, Electronica, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Soul, Rock, Pop, Pop Rock, Synth Pop, Funk
Title: The Bag Raiders EP
Artist: Bag Raiders
Genre: Electronica, House, Techno, Tech House, Electro, Disco
Title: The Constant
Artist: I Blame Coco
Genre: Electronica, Electro, Electropop, Rock, Indie Rock, New Wave, Pop, Synth Pop
Title: Xan Valleys
Artist: The Klaxons
Genre: Electronica, New Rave, Electro, Rock, Indie Rock, Punk, Post Punk, Disco, Pop
Title: Love Lost
Artist: The Temper Trap
Genre: Electronica, House, Progressive House, Electro, Rock, Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, New Wave
Title: Back To The Future
Artist: Space, Didier Marouani
Genre: Ambient, Electronica, House, Deep House, Trance, Techno, Electro, Jazz, Synth Pop, Theatre/Soundtrack, Experimental, Classical
Title: Fruit Machine
Artist: The Ting Tings
Genre: Electronica, House, Electro, Rock, Indie Rock, Pop
Title: Single
Artist: Everything But The Girl