Title: Tonedeath
Artist: BVSSIC
Genre: Techno, Electro
Title: Asylum
Artist: Bare
Title: Dim Mak Greatest Hits 2017 Originals (Compilation)
Title: Morning Falls (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Ben Bohmer
Title: Mutate Control
Artist: Dj Balu, Begez
Title: Wir Reiten Durch Die Nacht
Artist: Dj Hell
Title: Best Of MMXVII (Compilation)
Title: Forever (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Eekkoo
Title: Mixbone
Artist: Eric Copeland
Genre: Electronica, Techno, Electro, Alternative
Title: Best Of Cheap Thrills 2017 (Compilation)
Title: Best Of Night Bass 2017 (Compilation)
Title: Black Friday Vol. 15