Genre: Electro
Title: On The Course 100 Variety Of Styles (Electronic)
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Reggae, Reggaeton, Latin, Pop, Funk, EBM
Title: On The Course 100 Variety Of Styles (Hip Hop And R&B)
Genre: Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Reggae, Reggaeton, Latin, Pop, Funk, EBM
Title: Los Cuarenta Winter 2017 (CD2)
Genre: Garage, House, Industrial, Electro, Italo Disco, Funk, EBM
Title: Los Cuarenta Winter 2017 (CD1)
Genre: Garage, House, Industrial, Electro, Italo Disco, Funk, EBM
Title: On The Course 100 Variety Of Styles (Latin Urban)
Genre: Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Reggae, Reggaeton, Latin, Pop, Funk, EBM
Title: On The Course 100 Variety Of Styles (Mainstream)
Genre: Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Reggae, Reggaeton, Latin, Pop, Funk, EBM
Title: On The Course 100 Variety Of Styles (Reggae)
Genre: Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Reggae, Reggaeton, Latin, Pop, Funk, EBM