Genre: Electro
Title: Gravity Theory (Maxi-Single)
Artist: 33Hz
Genre: Electronica, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, Pop, Funk, EBM
Title: Lacroix (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Electricano
Genre: Electronica, House, Techno, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, World Music, EBM
Title: Front
Artist: TreviƱo / Trevino
Genre: Electronica, House, Techno, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, EBM
Title: Dance All Night (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Harris Robotis
Genre: Electronica, House, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, World Music, EBM
Title: Show Me (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Ron Flatter
Genre: Electronica, Techno, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, EBM
Title: Never Looking Back (Single)
Artist: Stonebank
Genre: Electronica, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, Dubstep, EBM
Title: Tell Me Doomsday Horns (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Proxy
Genre: Electronica, House, Techno, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, EBM
Title: In The Reds (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Cirez D
Genre: Electronica, House, Techno, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, EBM
Title: Madman (Single)
Artist: Rob Gasser
Genre: Electronica, House, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, Dubstep, EBM
Title: Sugar (Single)
Artist: Terror Jr
Genre: Electronica, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Electropop, Hip Hop/R&B, Death Metal, Pop, Alternative, EBM
Title: HiRoller (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Fletch
Genre: Electronica, House, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Rock, Death Metal, Pop, Alternative, EBM
Title: Common Interests (Maxi-Single)
Artist: The Junkies
Genre: Electronica, House, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Punk, Death Metal, EBM