Title: Kim Wilde'81
Artist: Kim Wilde
Genre: Electro, New Wave, Pop, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: If I Can't Have You
Title: Quilted Multiverse
Artist: Obergman
Genre: Electro
Title: Fun Dance 2015 (CD1)
Artist: Divers
Genre: Industrial, Electro, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, EBM
Title: Fun Dance 2015 (CD2)
Title: Disco Monolead
Artist: Infinity Night
Title: The Best Of Lollipop Records
Genre: Electro, Disco
Title: Underwater Title
Artist: Jeremiah R
Title: Magic Sword Vol. 1
Artist: Magic Sword
Genre: Electronica, Electro, Retro
Title: The Singularity Is Near
Artist: Noise Noise
Genre: Techno, Electro
Title: Nothing Lasts Forever
Artist: N3VOA
Genre: Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Saddan
Artist: Medkit
Genre: Electro, IDM