Title: The Beginning
Artist: DJ Broiler
Genre: Electropop, Dancefloor
Title: The Sky Is Calling
Artist: The Impossible Girl
Genre: Electropop, Synth Pop, Alternative
Title: Little Boots EP
Artist: Little Boots
Genre: Electropop, Synth Pop
Title: Neon
Artist: Queen Of Hearts
Title: Tree
Artist: Tohoshinki
Genre: Electropop, Dancefloor, J-Pop
Title: The Man From Managra
Artist: Coti
Genre: Electropop
Title: Morpheus
Artist: Delerium
Genre: Ambient, Downtempo, New Age, Electronica, Electropop
Title: Spotify Sessions
Artist: Hurts
Title: Mt. Chimaera
Artist: Brasstronaut
Genre: Electropop, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Indie
Title: Opportunity
Title: Opportunity Remix
Genre: Electronica, Electropop, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Indie
Title: Mean Sun
Genre: Electropop, Jazz, Rock, Alternative Rock, Pop, Indie