Genre: Emo
Emo is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Someday Came Suddenly (Deluxe Edition)
Artist: Attack Attack!, Austin Carlile
Genre: Electronica, Rock, Emo, Heavy Metal, Pop, Pop Rock
Title: Dead Ghosts & Smith Westerns Split
Genre: Electronica, Garage, Industrial, Rock, Emo, Garage Rock, Indie Pop, Punk, Hardcore Punk, Heavy Metal, Dancefloor, Pop, Pop Rock, Noise Pop, Psychedelic, Indie
Title: The Blackout! The Blackout!
Artist: The Blackout
Title: It'S High Tide Baby / Spread Legs Not Lies (Single)
Artist: The Blackout