Genre: Emo
Emo is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Attack On Robot Pirate Island
Artist: Lonely Avenue
Title: MTV Rocks - Pop Punk Vs The World (CD1)
Genre: Alternative Rock, Emo, Psychedelic Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Nu Metal, Pop, Ska
Title: MTV Rocks - Pop Punk Vs The World (CD2)
Genre: Alternative Rock, Emo, Psychedelic Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Nu Metal, Pop, Ska
Title: MTV Rocks - Pop Punk Vs The World (CD3)
Genre: Alternative Rock, Emo, Psychedelic Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Nu Metal, Pop, Ska
Title: E. T. Cover (Single)
Artist: Katy Perry, Drewsif Stalin'S Musical Endeavors
Genre: Emo, Post Hardcore, Metal