Genre: Experimental
Experimental music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Ambiente 1: The Harmoniums Reside in the Caverns of Mercury 2005-2008
Artist: Fluorescent Grey
Genre: Electronica, Experimental, IDM
Title: Ambient 3: Ritual at the Super Volcano 2013
Artist: Fluorescent Grey
Genre: Electronica, Experimental, IDM
Title: Ambient 2: The Uncanny Valley 2008-2012
Artist: Fluorescent Grey
Genre: Electronica, Experimental, IDM
Title: Following the Cosmic Music Path, Vol. 2
Artist: World Of Nothingness
Genre: Electronica, Experimental, IDM
Title: Dark Ambient Collection, Vol. 1
Artist: World Of Nothingness
Genre: Electronica, Experimental, IDM
Title: Following the Cosmic Music Path, Vol. 1
Artist: World Of Nothingness
Genre: Electronica, Experimental, IDM
Title: Dark Ambient Collection, Vol. 2
Artist: World Of Nothingness
Genre: Electronica, Experimental, IDM