Experimental music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Short Life
Artist: Kid Bucle
Genre: Experimental, IDM
Title: You Are Under Our Space Control
Artist: Object Collection
Genre: Electronica, Experimental
Title: Not Really Now Not Any More
Artist: Ondness
Title: Vixit (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Valerio Tricoli
Title: Tannhäuser / Tannhauser
Artist: Aeterna
Genre: Electronica, Drum & Bass, Experimental
Title: Inya Lake
Artist: Bendik Baksaas, Maria Brinch
Genre: Ambient, Techno, Experimental
Title: Lost World
Artist: Multicast Dynamics
Title: Multiverse
Artist: Bln
Genre: Ambient, Experimental, IDM
Title: Helsfyr Terminal Ekspress
Artist: Alwanzatar
Title: Vitrospection: 2008-2009
Artist: Dreamers Cloth
Genre: Ambient, Experimental
Title: Motions Like These
Artist: Eskmo, Kira Kira
Title: Awe (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Sortlegeme