Genre: Glam Rock
Glam Rock is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Searchin' for Gods, Livin' Like Dogs
Artist: Atomic Playboyz
Title: Weekend Rock Classics 2018
Title: Definitive Collection: Smokie And Solo Years (CD1)
Artist: Chris Norman
Title: А Раrаnоrmаl Еvеning (CD1)
Artist: Alice Cooper, Аliсе Соореr / Alise Soorer
Genre: Glam Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Title: А Раrаnоrmаl Еvеning (CD2)
Artist: Alice Cooper, Аliсе Соореr / Alise Soorer
Genre: Glam Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal