Indie Pop is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: (What Could You Expect) From a Guy - Single
Artist: Smile
Genre: Indie Pop, Alternative
Title: Take My Blood - Single
Artist: Sun Drug
Title: Post+Break - Single
Title: Empieza - Single
Artist: Summer Riders
Genre: Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Alternative
Title: Status Quo
Artist: Sycamore
Title: Pareces - Single
Artist: Tiny Frank
Title: Inmune - Single
Artist: Waterfalls
Title: Rooftop Trees - EP
Artist: The Banana, 3 South
Title: Nehkilek - Single
Artist: Ayoub Meghnaoui
Genre: Indie Pop, World Music, Alternative
Title: Winek a Zahri - Single
Title: Farraghd Atay - Single
Artist: Eliass Ahudri
Title: Thiraly - Single