Indie Pop is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Dear Friend
Artist: Dreams We've Had
Genre: Indie Pop, Alternative
Title: If I See You Again - EP
Artist: Early Morning Sky
Title: Bell / Femme Fatale - Single
Title: El Retrato De Ema - Single
Artist: Edd Wood
Title: Alexandra - Single
Title: Heaven For Me - Single
Artist: Nunnery, Eile Weile
Title: Nahmean - Single
Title: So Sad and She Was Alone - Single
Artist: Enemy Of Soviets
Title: El Amor - Single
Artist: Escorpio
Genre: Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Alternative
Title: Estado Vegetal - EP
Artist: Esther La Vegana
Title: People Like Us - EP
Artist: Eton Girls' Choir
Title: Sounds on My Wall - Single
Artist: Explochicken