Indie Rock is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Ripplemark
Artist: Suede Chain
Genre: Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative
Title: Traum von Rio (Wm Song) - Single
Artist: Sündflut / Sundflut
Genre: Indie Rock, Alternative
Title: Sam Sung Song - Single
Artist: SW08
Title: TV Buddhas
Artist: TV Buddhas
Genre: Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative, Psychedelic
Title: Furente
Artist: Sula Ventrebianco
Title: Still Life
Artist: Strike Fire Fall
Genre: Indie Rock, Punk, Alternative
Title: Dusk Til Dawg
Artist: The Suspenders
Genre: Rock, Indie Rock, Punk Rock, Alternative
Title: For the Boats
Artist: State Lines
Title: Poltergeist - Single
Artist: Stream City
Title: Dark Heart EP
Artist: Stuntcat
Title: Mein Herz schlägt weiter jeden Tag / Mein Herz schlagt weiter jeden Tag
Artist: Sternbuschweg
Title: Arguments
Artist: Start Static