Indie music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: After The Dark Room
Genre: Alternative, Indie
Title: Lungville
Artist: Ultraphallus
Title: WAY - WUAY - WAY - WY!!
Artist: Beto Stocker
Title: 1: Film Fabrik
Artist: Derelikt Station
Title: Eleven Funky Love Songs
Artist: John Sore & His Afro - Safety
Title: 2 Ants
Artist: Bluedozer
Title: Precious
Artist: BorasBand
Title: Aller Simple
Artist: L. Saint Lazare
Title: Do It Yourself
Artist: Baïki / Baiki
Title: Démo Silly MonDay
Artist: Silly Monday
Title: Je Me Voile La Face
Artist: Clemix SoundShaker
Title: @ Posteriori
Artist: @ Posteriori