Genre: Instrumental
Title: Spanish Guitar Music Around 1930
Artist: Yiannis Estathopoulos, Yiannis Efstathopoulos
Genre: Instrumental, Classical, Instrumental
Title: Sentimento Verdadeiro
Artist: Osiel Ferminio
Genre: Jazz, Latin, Instrumental, Smooth Jazz, Instrumental
Title: Open Doors
Artist: Gábor Csordás / Gabor Csordas
Genre: New Age, Jazz, Instrumental, Classical, Instrumental
Title: Unsere Schönsten Lieder Aus Früheren Zeiten
Artist: Filzmooser Tanzlmusi
Genre: World Music, Pop, Instrumental, Folk, Instrumental
Title: You Are Literally A Metaphor
Artist: Consider The Source
Genre: Jazz, Rock, Punk Rock, World Music, Progressive, Experimental, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: When It All Gets To Be Too Much
Artist: Cory Kilduff
Genre: Ambient, Dark Ambient, Electronica, Darkwave, New Wave, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Auf Zum Musikfest
Artist: Musikverein Altenmarkt
Genre: World Music, Pop, Instrumental, Folk, Instrumental