Genre: Instrumental
Title: Contigo - Single
Artist: Agustin Tagliabue
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Moments of Intimacy - Single
Artist: Alexandre Julien
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Projeto Plano A: FĂȘnix - Single / Projeto Plano A: Fenix - Single
Artist: Allan Duarte
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Beyond Reach - Single
Artist: Alsever Lake
Genre: Folk Rock, Songwriter/Lyricist, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Man of the Millenium, Pt. 2 (Through the Grief) - EP
Artist: Alvaro Barajas
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental