Genre: Instrumental
Title: Smoke in the Air (Orchestral Version) - Single
Artist: Decadent Heroes
Genre: New Age, Pop, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Shades of Light (Orchestral Version) - Single
Artist: Decadent Heroes
Genre: Rock, Pop, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: A Trip Through the Void
Artist: Electrosis
Genre: Electronica, Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: 500 Years of Guitar-Music
Artist: Dr. Coenobite
Genre: Ambient, Electronica, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Chemicals
Artist: Echo 6
Genre: Downtempo, Electronica, Alternative, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Impropositions
Artist: Mats Gustafsson
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Instrumental, Classical, Instrumental
Title: Boss Instrumentals, Vol. 2
Artist: Syndicate Sound Labs
Genre: Hip Hop/R&B, Rap, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Dragonwizardsleeve
Artist: Blackwolfgoat
Genre: Rock, Metal, Alternative, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Weezy Instrumentals, Vol. 3
Artist: Syndicate Sound Labs
Genre: Hip Hop/R&B, Rap, Instrumental, Instrumental