Genre: Instrumental
Title: The Princess Diaries (The Score)
Artist: John Debney
Genre: Kids, Theatre/Soundtrack, Instrumental, Classical, Instrumental, Easy Listening
Title: Your Hit Parade 60's
Artist: The Ventures
Genre: Rock, Rock & Roll, Punk Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: All Night Wrong
Artist: Allan Holdsworth
Genre: Jazz, Rock, Punk Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: China
Artist: Vangelis
Genre: Ambient, New Age, Electronica, Dancefloor, Pop, Dance Pop, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: The Gershwins in Hollywood
Artist: John Mauceri, Hollywood Bowl Orchestra
Genre: Theatre/Soundtrack, Instrumental, Classical, Instrumental, Classical Crossover
Title: The Ghosts of Pripyat
Artist: Steve Rothery
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Horse
Artist: Daddy Long Legs
Genre: Electronica, Jazz, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, Instrumental, Bop, Instrumental
Title: Sour Soul
Artist: Badbadnotgood, Ghostface Killah
Genre: Hip Hop/R&B, Rap, Instrumental, Instrumental