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Genre: Intelligent


Intelligent genre is a part of Drum and Bass music. Many parts of that kind of music are recorded in low frequencies and an appropriate sound system is necessary in order to enjoy each second of it.

Title: Dots & Dashes

Artist: Dashes, Dots

Genre: Intelligent

Title: Silent World

Artist: Destroid

Genre: Intelligent

Title: Loudspeaker

Artist: Destroid

Genre: Intelligent

Title: Future Prophecies

Artist: Destroid

Genre: Intelligent

Title: Phaseshifting

Artist: Newt

Genre: Intelligent

Title: - 273C

Artist: Newt

Genre: Intelligent

Title: 37°C

Artist: Newt

Genre: Intelligent

Title: Second Path

Artist: Cleen

Genre: Intelligent

Title: Solaris

Artist: Cleaner

Genre: Intelligent

Title: The Voice

Artist: Cleen

Genre: Intelligent

Title: The Call

Artist: Clear Vision

Genre: Intelligent