Genre: J-Pop
J-Pop genre is a part of Pop music and it has many loyal followers from all over the world. Take a tour for yourself and find out if it suits you.
Title: Japan Animesong Collection Special "Bleach", Vol. 1
Genre: J-Pop
Title: Japan Animesong Collection, Vol. 51
Genre: J-Pop
Title: Japan Animesong Collection Vol. 49 (Anison Japan)
Genre: J-Pop
Title: Haru No Kashu (Spring Song Selection)
Artist: Aoi Teshima
Genre: Japanoise, World Music, J-Pop
Title: Japan Animesong Collection Vol. 46 (Anison Japan)
Genre: J-Pop
Title: Japan Animesong Collection Special "Gintama", Vol. 1
Genre: J-Pop