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Genre: Jazz Music


Jazz is a genre of famous music style and culture that was originated in African American communities in late 19the century. It quickly spread around the worlds and became popular.

Title: Effortless

Artist: Rubeus Suebur

Genre: Jazz

Title: Dirty Jam

Artist: Refried Poorly

Genre: Jazz

Title: Summer In August

Artist: Kew

Genre: Jazz

Title: A Drop Of Jazz

Artist: White Bear

Genre: Jazz

Title: Let's Duet

Artist: Nadav Assaf

Genre: Jazz

Title: Unfolding

Artist: Asgeir Asgeirsson

Genre: Jazz

Title: The Stripped Places

Artist: Danny Nixonaw

Genre: Jazz

Title: Its Hopes At Soul

Artist: Kritys Carrot

Genre: Jazz

Title: State Of Mind

Artist: Sugar Breeze

Genre: Jazz

Title: It Writes We

Artist: Kritys Carrot

Genre: Jazz