New Age genre is a part of Electronic music which became very popular lately. Electronic music in general includes many different varieties and ranges.
Title: Walk With Me: Relaxing Slovakian Countryside
Artist: Daniel Dodik
Genre: New Age
Title: Sound Asleep: Smooth Water Babbling Ambience
Artist: Elijah Wagner
Title: 舒缓心灵的好去处
Artist: 治愈纯音 / zhi yu chun yin
Title: 静心轻松疗愈轻音乐
Artist: 疗愈音律 / liao yu yin lu
Title: 聆听大自然的疗愈音乐
Title: 五音深度疗愈放松
Title: Good Things
Artist: Doremi Factory
Title: Sound Asleep: Wildlife Ambience In Karoo Desert
Title: (MMM) Life's Beach
Artist: Geo Symphony Orchestra
Title: 门店典雅氛围轻音乐
Title: 静心休养疗愈音乐
Title: Out Of The Box Thinking
Artist: LSDANI