Genre: Pop Punk
Pop Punk genre is a part of Punk music and it has inspired many musicians who pursued the particular variation and became famous.
Title: The String Quartet Tribute to The Offspring
Artist: The Vitamin String Quartet
Genre: Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Pop, Alternative, Psychedelic
Title: Fotolabor 1995-2015
Artist: Schrottgrenze
Genre: Indie Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Pop, Alternative
Title: Space Vacation
Artist: Peelander-Z
Genre: Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, World Music, Pop, Alternative
Title: City Baby Attacked by Rats
Artist: G. B. H.
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Metal, Heavy Metal, Pop, Alternative
Title: We Didn't Come Here to Die
Artist: The Copyrights
Genre: Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Pop, Alternative