Genre: Pop Rock
Pop Rock genre is a part of Pop music and it has many loyal followers from all over the world. Take a tour for yourself and find out if it suits you.
Title: Cluster & Eno
Genre: Ambient, Electronica, Rock, Dancefloor, Pop, Pop Rock, Classical
Title: Cluster 71
Artist: Cluster
Genre: Ambient, Electronica, Rock, Dancefloor, Pop, Pop Rock, Dance Pop, Classical
Title: The Concert of Love
Artist: Darlene Love
Title: The Early Years: Give It to Me
Artist: Madonna
Genre: Electronica, Rock, Dancefloor, Pop, Pop Rock, Dance Pop
Title: Saturday Night Fever [The Original Movie Soundtrack]
Artist: Bee Gees
Genre: Electronica, Rock, Dancefloor, Disco, Pop, Pop Rock, Theatre/Soundtrack