Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: Party Blast Karaoke: Top Singles 3
Artist: Party Blast
Genre: Pop
Title: Lucky Life
Artist: Vlad Nezhniy
Title: Betta Chick (The Remixes) - Single
Artist: The Mode
Title: Čas adventu a Vánoc / Cas adventu a Vanoc
Title: Copybook Maxims - Single
Artist: Sbornaya Soyuza
Title: Příval Lásky (a Další Nahrávky Z Let 1963 - 1986) / Prival Lasky (a Dalsi Nahravky Z Let 1963 - 1986)
Artist: Yvetta Simonová / Yvetta Simonova
Title: Steppe, and Steppe Around
Title: Ай ты, матушка Россия (Песни русского казачества) / Aj ty, matuska Rossia (Pesni russkogo kazacestva)
Artist: Ansambl Karagod
Title: 是愛還是傷害 OREA 專輯 / shi ai hai shi shang hai OREA zhuan ji
Artist: Wallace Chung
Title: Loop di love (Deutsch) [feat. Die Z Promis] - Single
Artist: Armin Kah
Genre: Rock, Pop
Title: Ich habe einen dicken Bauch - Single
Artist: Marc Lichtenberg
Title: Maxi génériques TV, vol. 2 / Maxi generiques TV, vol. 2
Genre: Pop, Theatre/Soundtrack