Genre: Pop
Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: Czech Pastorals (Hurník, Michalička, Koutník / Czech Pastorals (Hurnik, Michalicka, Koutnik
Artist: Libor Pešek / Libor Pesek, Jan Hlavsa, Bohumil Kulínský / Bohumil Kulinsky, Komorní Orchestr / Komorni Orchestr, Jan Soumar, Marta Boháčová / Marta Bohacova, Vlasta Mlejnková / Vlasta Mlejnkova, Jitka Pokorná / Jitka Pokorna, Véra Novakova / Vera Novakova, Irena Poplsteinová / Irena Poplsteinova, Stanislav Starý / Stanislav Stary, Olga Tajovská / Olga Tajovska, Dětský Sbor Čs. Rozhlasu / Detsky Sbor Cs. Rozhlasu
Genre: Pop